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"Madeline Hildebrand is an extraordinary young artist whose communicative skills convey the essence of all that she plays. Her pianism is of the highest level, and she has an instinctive understanding of beautiful sound."
Jon Kimura Parker

In addition to her solo and teaching career, Madeline is the pianist in the newly named duo Fierbois who play regularly at home, and who have toured across Canada over the past two years. In 2025, Madeline and Caitlin Broms-Jacobs will play Western Canada on the invitation of Prairie Debut.
Fierbois launched their CD on January 10, 2025 at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights, Winnipeg.
Click on the link to connect to their album release.

Fierbois means “proud wood” in Old French, and was the name of the sword of Joan of Arc.
An iconic strong woman, she never used the sword to inflict harm, only to inspire.